Church of God The Bahamas



Life builders Conference - 9:00 AM

Thursday | 9:00 AM | Church Of God Convention Centre, new providence

National Father of the Year 2015-16 - 7:30 PM

Thursday | 7:30 PM | COG South West Cathedral, new providence

1                           New Year’s Day

3-6                      New Providence District Revival

6-8                      Abaco District Revival

6-10                    Grand Bahama District Revival

11                         Majority Rule Day observed

10-13                  Bimini District Revival

13-15                  Exuma District Revival

17-20                  South Eleuthera District Revival

20-22                 North Eleuthera District Revival

24-27                  Cat Island District Revival

27-29                  Andros District Revival

30                       Life Builders Men and Boys Breakfast Boil

31-Feb 3             Long Island District Revival



5-7                       National Dance Conference

7                          Lifebuilders Super Bowl Party

11                        National Council Meeting  – 10am & Convention Forum – 7:30pm (NCC)

12-13                  Youth Leaders Training

14                       Valentine Day

17-20                   National Girls Clubs Week

26                           National Single’s Ministry Boat Cruise

24-28                    District Youth Convention – Cat Island


11-13                    Winterfest (Knoxville, Tenn.)

20-26                   95th Annual National Convention

25                           Good Friday

27                           Easter Sunday

28                           Easter Monday

28-April 1            District Youth Convention – Abaco


2                              National Youth Fund Raiser

8                              Bruce Pratt Memorial Band Concert

15-17                       National Choir Workshop & Concert

20-22                     Harvest Team Outreach

20-24                      District Youth Convention – South Eleuthera



5-6                           AGM – National Convention Centre

6-7                           Girl Clubs Jamboree

6-7                           Youth Leaders Retreat

8                              Mother’s Day

11-13                       National Women’s Convention

14                            Widow’s Tea Party

16                            Whit Monday

17-22                       District Youth Convention – North Eleuthera

22-27                       District Convention – Grand Bahama



1-5                            District Convention – Abaco

3                               Labour Day

3-5                           Andros District Youth Convention

9-11                          National Father of The Year

19                             National Father Day

23-26                        District Convention – Long Is

24-25                        National Singles Conference

26                              National Widows Honoring Service

26-July 3                  District Convention – Bimini



2-3                             Pre-Youth Convention Rally

4-10                        National Youth Convention

7                                 National Council Meeting

10                               Independence Day

11                                Inependence Day Observed

13-15                          District Convention – North Eleuthera

19-23                         International General Assembly – Nashville, Tenn.



1                                 Emancipation Day

1-7                            National Youth Camp – Andros

17-21                        District Convention – Cat Is.

24-28                      District Convention – Andros Is


7-11                           District Convention – Western NP

14-18                        District Convention – Central NP

21-25                        District Convention – Eastern NP

23-25                       District Youth Convention – Long Is.

28-Oct 2                 District Convention – South Eleuthera


3-7                             District Youth Convention – Grand Bahama

13                               National Council Meeting

5-9                             District Convention – Exuma

12                               National Heroes Day

12-15                       National Women’s Min. Retreat

21-22                         Lifebuilders Young Men’s Conference

21-22                        Teen Talent National Run-Offs (Music, Dance &Vocals)


5                                 National Examination Day

5                                 National Youth Fund Raiser

6                                 National Singles Ministry Service

13                               Widows Ministry Concert

10-11                          National Leadership Conference

16-20                         District Youth Convention – Bimini

24                               Thanksgiving


23 – Jan 3                  National Office Closed for the Holiday

25                                Christmas

26                                Christmas Day Observed & Boxing Day

26                                Administrative Bishop’s Birthday

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