Women’s Ministries Conference
26th Annual National Women’s Retreat
Melia is an all-inclusive Hotel & Resort
- Hotel Accommodations
- Rates include accommodations, all meals (24 hrs)
- Drinks, taxes, gratuities and conference registration.
- 1 Person Per Room: $566.00, 2 Persons Per Room $380.00
- Per Person, 3 Persons Per Room $330.00 Per Person.
- Hotel accommodations for two nights.
- Down payment $50.00 Per Person by January 31, 2015
- Down payment $50.00 Per person by February 28, 2015
- Payment plan for triple $33.00 monthly from March-September
- Double $40.00 monthly from March-September
- Single $66.57 monthly from March-September
Deadline for completion of all payments. September 30, 2015
- There will be no refund for cancellation 59. 1 days prior to the function.
- ID is required for Check-In
- No Colours this year
- Day time – Dress Casual/Evening – Dress Smart
All Registration forms should be forwarded to:
Church of God, National Women’s Ministries
P.O. Box N-1708,
Nassau, Bahamas.
Payments can be made at the National Women’s Office,
credit card payments accepted
call the office
New Providence | 1-242-324-3303 | 1-242-324-2582 |
International | 1-242-423-453-4236 | |
Free port | 1242-225-8311 |